My Blog!!

Hi my name is Sofia and this is the first blog I ever do! I don´t now how to do one properly but I will try making it as interesting as possible, I will add photos, videos, enquests....and a lot more!
You can do watever you want in my blog but because as this is a school project everything I write has to be in English. Here are some things you have to follow fot non-trouble problems:
-Don´t add comments with swear words in.
-Don´t put any photos of yoeself
-Don´t put any personal details
This is all you have to follow when you visit my blog. Hope you enjoy reading mu powerpoint and write as much ideas you want, tell me ways of doing my blog more interesting and I might add something you have asked me to.

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

My School.

Hi, I am going to talk about my school. My school is called Canterbury School. It is in Gran Canaria (Spain). There is a school called Ruben Dario where all the children from 3-5 years old go, Then there is Canterbury Primary School where all the children from 6-10 years old go, and at last the school where I go, Canterbury Secondary School where all the children from 10-16 go.

The subjects I study are Maths, English, French or German, Spanish Language, Geography, History, Art, Spanish Geography/History, Latin, Science(biology,Phisics...), P.E and Music.
I don´t engoy going to school much but as my parents are paying a lot of money I guess I have to do my best to enjoy going to shool and to study to get good grades!!

1 comentario:

Your Opinion is Important!

Hey, now is the oportunity of writing all the cool ideas I am sure you people got. You can tell me to add any game you want, any crazy gadget, any request.... Just write what you want to see the next time you go on my blog and if there is any possibility of adding it on the blog I will defenetly will. So the only thing you have to do is clic on "write a comment" and contect with me to tell me your opinion about my blog!

What is your favourite animal?

As you may have noticed I have a lot of animals on my blog, I can add all different animals on this blog. There is a some enquest you can answer to, clic on your favourite animal if you want your favourite animal to come up on my blog, then you can feed it or you can see some very funny pictures of them. Vote for your favourite animal!

What is your favourite animal?

What is your favourite country?

What country will be the winner?

Hi, I have added an enquest with the names of five countries, the country that will have more votes will be the first winner of my new idea, the Monthly Country. At the beggining of every month I will write a report with all the important information about the winner country. The thing is, if your country comes up in the list you will not be able to vote it, just like the Urovision competition. If you lie about where you are from you will win the competiton but I am sure you now more things about your country that you do now about other countries so if you want to learn more things about the winner country don´t lie. Please don´t try to lie anyway, hope you like my new idea!!


Here you will be able to read some "Funny" phrases by some depressed people, it isn´t realy funny but if you tell ine of these to some friends that aren´t particulary funny, they may laugh. Well, some of them are quite funny so write in the comments some of the ones you do find funny or write a funny joke you now that I may be able to write in my blog.

Do you have a blog?

If you have a blog, write it on this comment so I can be able to write about it in my blog. Make me a follower of your blog and I will be folower of your blog. That way I can advise my followers to visit your blog if you have one. But I have to look at your blog to see if it is safe before writing about it on my blog and advising my followers to look at it. So, if you know your blog is not nice or rude don´t write on this comment please. Thank you!

Do you know what artist painted this?

Do you know what artist painted this?
Now is the time of anylising how much you know about art. There is an enquest with four possible answer. Chose one of them, I will post the correct answer next week.

Who is the painter of the painting?

Who is Enzo Calamita?

Do you want to talk?

Hey have you checked out the new doll in my blog. You can write her anything you like and she will answer you back with real words so you will have to turn your volume up a bit. If you are feeling bored or lonely... talk to Jessi she is always listening ....